Monday, May 13, 2013

Today....I Plan!

The countdown is on. In 8.5 days it will officially be summer vacation and today everything feels to be in a good place for the most part. The important, health and humor are all in tact...and it is only 7:15 a.m. on a MONDAY! I would say we are off to a good start. It is truly amazing what a little sunshine and warm spring weather can do for a persons soul.

Last week I felt a bit melancholy. There was so much emotionally going on with me and coming off a couple of particularly nasty migraines.....I just felt bleh.'s a real emotion and if you have ever felt bleh then you know exactly what I am talking about. Yesterday was another doozy of a migraine which stayed somewhat masked by meds but remained constant none the less. Today I am just dealing with remnants and have that hung over feeling. I think I am looking forward to a cure for migraines one day almost as much as I am looking forward to a cure for cancer. These things are brutal.

Because of my bleh mentality last week, I let a few things fall to the wayside and that which did not fall to the wayside....fell through the cracks. It was not one of my more productive weeks. Oh....did I mention that my adult child who has lived back home for almost a year now is moving out? He is in transition and I still have custody of his pit bull (Vic) until he actually has a yard to put his furry child in. It is a strange occurrence this time. Adult child seems to have gotten his life back on track. I am thinking he is in a place he hasn't been in since his dad died. This is the first time he has moved out that there wasn't drama or a fight involved with the move. I am really going to miss him.....but I am also so pleased that he is in such a good and happy place. Another change in Lisaland....but this is a good one I think. where was I? Oh yeah....non-productivity. Well, I plan on changing that this week. I have a goal that before school is out to have my house totally cleaned and my yard in tip top shape so that I can start summer with a clean slate. I have so much and yet nothing definite planned for this summer. It is Z's last summer in high school and I want to make it a GREAT one.....starting with an end of school party for his friends. While Z is not saint Z quite yet.....after all he is still a teenage boy, my life would be so much more difficult if not for him. Z has always had a special bond with David and never once has he resented restrictions or speed bumps that David's health has brought to our lives. He is a resilient child who goes with the flow and always puts David first. All of this is why I want to give him an amazing summer. It is his last summer as a high school student and I want it to be a memorable one. I am trying to make a list of all the things we can do. Granted it is a bit limited on a zero $ budget.....but I am sure we will find a way to have fun. We usually do. Oh....and by the way....apparently I have kept some all of you out of the loop and I am hearing about it. Z MADE ESPRIT FOR NEXT YEAR!!!!!! For those of you scratching your head and wondering what the heck I am referring to......Esprit is the honor choir which Z has tried to get into since his freshman year. He would have made it each year if not for grades and this year......he had the grades and then some. I am so proud of him!!! Happy Chris and Marni?????

So today..... I plan! In order to pull off all that I would like to achieve in the coming 8.5 days.....I will need a plan of action, goals......and the energy to carry through with it all. This means.....NO MIGRAINES!!!!! We shall see. Well....I am off to go forth and conquer.....but first there must be coffee. Okay....I am off to go forth and make coffee. Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being in a good place all the way around today. Hope the coffee helps.

J'nelle said...

Congrats to your son on making honors choir. That is amazing. It sounds like all is well in Lisaland and that is good. Hope you have a happy and productive week.

Daniella said...

I am a day late and a dollar short. I read yesterdays blog but forgot to comment. It was a really beautiful testimony to the love of your mother. I am sure she would be proud. She sounds like a terrific lady. I am happy to hear that all is good on this Monday. Hope you don't have so much fun this summer that you forget to blog!

Anonymous said...

I love the happy blogs. This is a happy blog today!

Anonymous said...

Hey, did you quit following that old codger that seems quite bi-polar? Did he quit following you? I don't see your blog on his blog roll. Off topic I know. I liked your blog today. It made me smile. Happy Monday to you too.