Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Changing of the Years

There are just a few days left of 2023. Soon we will have the changing of the years. I can't believe this year has just sped by in such a manner, of course at my age, that is all time does is speed by. 

This year started out with my dad's funeral. It was a cold, blustery day that resulted in my getting sick and somehow I resentfully believed he might have had a hand in it all. Truthfully though, I think that I just held a lot of angry and uncertain emotions that I didn't know how to process and this kind of, sort of, may have set the stage for 2023 and many of the things that it was and that it manifested. 

It has been a year of ups and downs as well as breaking and healing. I have come to the realizations of how short life is and how I want my life to be. I have opened up on some things and let go of others. I am starting to understand that if I want to leave something behind, then I better get off my butt and do something to actually have something to leave behind!

This year has also held some family discourse, as my house is overflowing, and not everyone involved agrees or behaves all the time. I am finally finding my voice and allowing those around me to know what I will accept, what I won't accept, and what is no longer negotiable. It seems that currently, for the most part, we are finding some compromise and common ground, cause if Mama ain't happy, others might be somewhat unhappy too. 

One of the big happenings of this year, was us dismantling and getting rid of our backyard pool. It was so bittersweet for me, as this was David's pool, but for the last couple of years, he has not been able to use it. No matter how hot it was, his body just could not handle the pool water, thus dropping his blood pressure and in a couple of cases, causing him to have a seizure. 

The little kids loved it and all of them learned to swim in it, but the few months of fun just did not end up outweighing the price and effort of upkeep and what it did to our electric bill. This was where we as a family voted on getting rid of it, and surprisingly, the vote was unanimous. While I know that the decision was the best one for us all, I was surprised at the sadness it left me with. A pool had been a part of my backyard since I was a junior in high school. To look out my kitchen window and only see a sand pit still leaves a bit of an ache in my stomach. The upside though is, the little boys have loved that sand, and never once have they or anyone complained that the pool is no longer there. 

The summer of 2023 was a fun one though, even without the pool. David's para Miss Tony, and I, took the kids and David to many fun places this summer. Our state has what they call the Sunflower Card, which allows families into places and events (once throughout the summer) for free. We went to zoos, parks, and museums. It was so much fun and the memories we made and shared will be with us forever. 

The kids and I also became very much into music and amazingly have had music be the background and sometimes even the foreground of our everyday life. It is funny how music can connect people and leave them knowing more about each other and creating moments that they will connect to for the rest of their lives. It is definitely something we all want to carry on into the coming years. 

Since school started this year, life has been beyond busy. We have been through open houses, school projects, cheer practices, football games, 4H, parties, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and finally Christmas. The kids have all done well in school, with the little boys starting to mature and Willow starting to come into her own. I have to say that Willow joining 4H has been a great thing and who knew she was a dead aim with a BB gun?

This year has also held some unexpected moments and journeys for me, as I have started to see things differently and feel things differently about myself and life in general. One of the most unexpected and ultimately treasured journeys I got to have was the relationship with my younger brother in his final year. It was something that I wasn't sure would ever be achieved or that either one of us would be open to having. It turned out to be the greatest gift and it changed me in so many ways. I would like to think, maybe it changed us both for the better. His loss struck me in a way that I didn't see coming and has continued to change me since it happened. My holidays were in honor of him, and everything I did from cooking to decorating, was to honor the things he loved. 

I am not an extremely Christmasy person, but this year, I stepped out of that and stepped into Christmas as Elton John says. The kids and I listened to Christmas music daily and knew every song, old and new. We went and saw the Griswald house as a family, which is a house that has made national news for all of its decorations and lights, and we started game nights where all the family can partake. I baked and made candy and cookies and Andy's favorite.....lemon bars, which I shared with his wife and son. I also got closer to my faith and found peace in going to Mass which for some time had seemed unavailable to me. 

David, while usually one to enjoy life, his tablet, the show COPS, Spongebob, The Foo Fighters and the kids and dogs who roam our house, is not above occasionally throwing me for a loop just to keep things interesting. Apparently, he felt Nov. 26th was the day in 2023 to remind me that he can be medically fragile and throw out one of his crazy health scares. Since that day we have been dealing with an abscess on his leg. We discovered it on the 26th and since then, it has been opened up twice and he has been on antibiotics continually. It continues to drain to this day and I am waiting for a call from the infectious med doctor to get him in to be seen. It has kept me worried and stressed, but so far, he seems to be okay. 

One of the greatest gifts we as a family have been given this year is the gift of a new family member in 2024. My son Zachary and his girlfriend are expecting their first child in July of 2024. July is typically a tough month as that is the month I lost my husband Tim, but with this new little life due to make an appearance in July, it will likely hold more joy in the year and years to come. I think Tim likely orchestrated that and it makes my heart smile. 

So as the year is winding down, today I am sick. I don't think I am flu sick, but more, I have pushed my mind, soul, and body as far it can go since October and now I think I am, I must just rest sick. I am laying here feeling achy and uncomfortable, and not at all myself, but nothing that some rest, relaxation, and a little quiet can't fix. 

A year ago today, my dad passed. There has been much since that day that I shoved aside in order to shut the door and not think about it all of, but of late, I have pulled the band-aid off the wound, and allowed it to start both oozing emotion and also hopefully healing through my blogging. Yes, after many suggestions and even some requests, back in October, I started blogging again. It has been both emotionally painful and also healing, and sometimes all in the same blog piece. Mostly though, I have just been grateful that anyone has wanted to read. 

It is my plan that in 2024 I will continue to blog. I will continue to tell the story of "me" and I hope to continue to explore who I was in the past, and who I am turning into now. 

Yes, I am sure that like any year, 2024 will hold joy, some pain, new and unexpected experiences, new people, maybe some old ones too, and with any luck, peace, laughter, and happiness. 

If you have kept up with my blog and read it this year, thank you. I wish you all a happy and safe ending to 2023, and much joy, health, and happiness in 2024. 

Happy New Year to you all!

Until next time........


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