Friday, May 15, 2020

Let Kylie's Light Shine

Seldom do I write blogs about the same person twice, but in this case, I think it is more than warranted.

Few things in this life have affected me like the sudden and tragic death of  Kylie Morgan Love, and as sad as it has been watching those who loved her grieve, something much bigger and  remarkably positive has emerged. It has been the ability to see the  "LIFE" she lived laid out in pictures, videos and memories, by family, friends and those who were touched by this amazing girl. Because of this, I am not speaking of her death, but of her life.

I awoke this morning feeling some kind of way that I can't even describe. It was a feeling of, wanting to do something that honors Kylie and keeps who she was as a person alive. I want even those who didn't know her, to be touched by her life and to maybe be motivated to do something Kylie-like.

This week, a facebook page was started called, Remember Kylie. On that page, people have shared memories, pictures, videos and thoughts on Kylie. It has been bittersweet and at times devastatingly beautiful to look through the page and see not only who she was but also how her very presence in the world affected those around her. There were posts from family and life long friends, to people who had only met her or talked to her once or twice but immediately were drawn into the magic of Kylie. It has been awe inspiring to see how one beautiful heart has touched and positively affected so many others.

What became abundantly clear in all of this is that this girls life had great purpose from the moment of her first heart beat and it only became greater in time. Kylie was put here to shine, to show true kindness and to make a positive difference in the world. She achieved these goals and so much more. I saw her mom post that she is learning so much about her daughter that she never knew from all those sharing their Kylie experiences. She was referring to the small, daily things that Kylie did without thinking. The small gestures of love and friendship towards those she knew and the kindnesses she showed even complete strangers. As cheesy as it sounds, LOVE was the perfect last name for her, because it was the perfect description of who she was and what she gave back to the world.

I have had many people ask me since all of this took place, what they could do for the family or just in general to honor Kylie and her family. When something like this happens, we all want to do something in the moment, and yet there is so little that can be done. Nothing changes the unchangable. This morning though, I woke up with a thought and I am going to share it here.

Kylie, in her beautiful way, spent everyday of her life changing the world without even knowing it. Whether it was making people laugh and smile, taking care of animals, showing genuine love for her family and friends or making a stranger feel like a friend. Kylie loved with a fierceness of heart and she shared that love with everyone and everything she touched. She was a bright light in a sometimes dark world.  So after some real thought, this is what I would suggest for those that want to do something to honor Kylie: Keep her light shining! But how?

First of all, Kylie was not alone in the accident that took her life. Riding with her was her boyfriend of four years. Ethan was the love of her life and those that knew them, had no doubt that they were the real deal. They were the epitome of  "relationship goals." Ethan was critically hurt in the accident, and thankfully, although expected in time to recover, the road ahead will be a long and painful one due to the severity of his injuries. I know without a doubt that the first thing Kylie would want is for Ethan and his family to be taken care of. A gofundme account has been set up to help offset the financial toll Ethan's medical expenses, now and for the long months ahead will take on the family. So if you have a desire to help financially, I suggest a donation to Ethan's Road to Recovery gofundme. If for some reason you can't give financially, then please share the page and keep Ethan and his family in your prayers.

Moving forward though, I think there are many things we can do to keep Kylie's light shining brightly. She showed us all what to do, now in her honor lets pick up the torch and keep going. What am I talking about? How about go listen to some music and laugh and dance just for the pure joy of it all. Take some pictures of it and share them for family and friends. Make others smile too. Let Kylie's light shine. Go rescue an animal and give it an amazing life. Let Kylie's light shine. Go talk to that person sitting alone. Reach out and be kind. Let Kylie's light shine. Hug your kids, your parents, your significant other, your friends or a complete stranger and let Kylie's light shine. Do something kind for someone for no reason. Let Kylie's light shine. Go to a lake and just sit on the bank. Throw in a fishing line and appreciate all that is around you. Let Kylie's light shine. Share a smile, a laugh and even some tears.....and let Kylie's light shine. Basically what I am saying is, let your inner Kylie shine. The greatest honor that we can bestow on her memory, is to continue to build on the good, the kindness, the simple joy and yes.....the love....she brought to this world.

Knowing Kylie, even for a little while, made us all better people and having her in the world made it a better place, so today and always, let's make sure that we continue to...... let Kylie's light shine. 

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