Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Have NOT Forgotten! is rant day again!!!! Of course it seems like everyday for the last two weeks has been rant day for me. Kind of interesting don't you think? Once again I have many things I could rant fact the rants seem to be coming out my pores. However today's rant was a no brainer.

A decade ago tomorrow, the USA changed forever. Anyone above the age of five (5) at the time remembers where they were and what they were doing that day.....and at the exact time when they heard that the World Trade Center had taken a direct hit from a plane. That day changed all our lives. Some lost loved ones, some were permanently damaged either mentally, physically or both and many either gave their lives or risked their lives so that they could make sure that there were as many survivors as possible. It was a day of great devastation for this country which we have yet to recover from as it was the beginning of a down turned economy and the end of a presidency before it even got started. But in the days and weeks that was also a time of great blessings. People were found alive and this country pulled together like it hadn't since the World War II era. For a brief moment.....we were a country united with one sole fight for our freedom and to stop that which had crippled us. Regardless of your religious or non-religious beliefs, people hit their knees, they filled churches and it was obvious that there was a power greater than man at work here.

Out of this tragedy.....many hero's emerged, such as Todd Beamer and the passengers of United Flight 93 and ALL of the first responders to the crash sites as well as all those who spent days, weeks and months first pulling out survivors, then recovering the dead and finally all those left with the clean up after such destruction. And let us not forget the men and women who flocked to military recruitment offices and signed up to protect this country and ensure that a situation such as this never occur again....and all the men and women already serving who bravely deployed as soon as "war" was declared. Yes....we lost much, but we gained too. We gained patriotism, a united country and many, many hero's. But this was all a decade ago.

Skip ahead to 2011 and the world is a much different place. Tomorrow there is to be a  10th Anniversary Memorial at ground zero. But why I ask? Why are we remembering when it seems that all we have really done is forgotten. We have forgotten that a horrible situation could have been even worse if not for all the first responders of police and firemen that day. We have forgotten that many of those brave men and women lost their lives trying to save others. How are we showing our thanks as a country for going above and beyond the call of duty? The surviving first responders are not invited to the memorial. How is that for gratitude? But it doesn't stop there. We apparently have forgotten that like it or not many survived this disaster not by determination or luck, but by the grace of God. He too is not invited tomorrow....nor is His name to be uttered, honored or thanked. And finally.....we have forgotten that we are not suppose to be a country of divisions but one country supported by all. This last couple of years has proven that this is no longer the case....and with this lapse in memory, it seems that we have also forgotten all the men and women who have died trying to keep us free, whole and safe and all those still serving fighting what seems to be an unwinnable war. I am angry beyond words right now that after a decade we have forgotten so much and yet we are calling tomorrow.....a memorial.

So now begins the rant! Mr. Bloomberg and the powers that be pull your head out of your nether regions and do some remembering! Remember that your great city would not be back up and running if not for those first responders. Remember that many more of your citizens might not be here today if not for the first responders. And remember that those men and women put their lives on the line every day for your city and your citizens and they deserve better. I find it amazing that when you need them...they are invaluable, but when they should be honored....they are ignored, forgotten and brushed aside. I don't care if for one or two hours your city is shut down so that these men and women could attend this memorial.....they should be there and you should be the one making sure they are. If not for them.....just what kind of city would you have? I am ashamed that you are the mayor of the biggest city in  my country and I am even more ashamed that more people aren't speaking up and speaking out. Shame on New York for allowing the likes of Bloomberg to ignore these people. It just shows how much we have forgotten.

And what about God? It is supposedly a country of free thought and free speech and yet there will be no talk of God tomorrow during the memorial. No religious clergy are invited out of respect for..............? Really Mr. Bloomberg.....who are we respecting. Are we respecting the 83% who claim Christianity in the United States? I don't think so. We weren't afraid to get on our knees and pray a decade ago. We weren't afraid to ask for God's help and mercy then.....but now, He nor His name are allowed at this memorial. The countries biggest city has openly shunned God in order not to offend the 17% of the country that is either a non-Christian religion or atheist. Yeah....that sounds about right. All I can say is.....Mr. Bloomberg.....your city has turned it's back on better hope He has not done the same to you!

The rant continues as I point my finger directly at our current POTUS! When Bush was in office, he was set up to fail from almost the moment of his presidency.....but even at his worst, this country was never divided as it is now. And even when he knew that his presidency had hit rock bottom, he still fought to keep this country as united as possible and in most cases taking responsibility for his actions as president. What we have now though is something the likes this country has never seen. We have a man in office who takes every opportunity to divide this nation further. He aligns himself with people who resort to name calling certain sectors and who have their own interests in mind....not the countries. He has yet to take responsibility for any negativity he has created nor the damage he has done in just three (3) years and most of his campaign promises have yet to be delivered upon. Because of him.....unemployment is high, the national debt is higher and the moral of the American people is so low it is rivaling that of the Great Depression. This was not the case a decade ago when people didn't see each other as Democrats or Republicans....but only as fellow Americans. We were all united with one goal....our safety and our freedom. This is no longer the case. Again.....we have forgotten.

Perhaps this countries greatest memory lapse has occurred where our military is concerned. In post 9/11, recruitment numbers soared. Men and women flocked to recruitment offices determined to sign up and put their lives on the line so that this country.....their country could remain free from another such attack. This trend continued for several years after 9/11 as people who were still kids when 9/11 occurred never forgot that day and as they began reaching their 18th birthday they headed to the nearest recruitment office. Now....a decade later, this country has buried literally thousands of young men and women who gave their lives for this country. Spouses have been left widowed, children have been left without mothers and fathers and parents have been left without their children. These people were not suppose to die in vain....but apparently they have. Apparently like the first responders, God and our country unity.....they have been forgotten. My heart breaks!

I am angry! I am angry at the POTUS whose name I find it hard to even utter. I am angry at Mr. Bloomberg who in  my opinion because of his current actions does not deserve the title "mayor". Most of all I am angry at the people of this country. I am angry that we have once again become complacent and that we seem to have lost the fire that makes us strong. Why does it take a tragedy to get us off our laurels and become strong? Why are we allowing the few to take what we love and destroy tell the hero's they are not worthy, to push God away, to pull us apart and to turn our backs on those who fight for our very freedoms to be so lack luster? I am ashamed, I am angry and I am speaking out. This has to stop and the only way it can is by one voice turning into two and two turning into four until finally.....our voices are too loud to be ignored.

So let me start.....I have NOT forgotten! Have you?

Happy Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Are you serious? You are now telling us that we aren't patriotic and god fearing enough? Who died and put your in charge of judgment? I thought you were just happy ruling your family, but apparently you feel the need to rule us all!

Marni said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous is an idiot. Nuff said.

Steve J.

J'nelle said...

What American could "hate" this? You have not one but two "hates". I cannot believe this. Anonymous I knew you were a jerk, I just didn't realize you were an un American idiot! Shame on you and probably your friend.

Lisa Jacques Elam said...

I too J'nelle am sad that someone would hate this blog. However, I am not surprised and it goes a long way in proving that what today's blog says is true. We have forgotten!

Anonymous said...

I am with you on this 100%. I ALSO HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!

Marni said...

Anonymous....your response just proves the truthfulness of this blog. And if you have watched any of the news and what is happening in our Country then that too proves the truthfulness of this blog. I am saddened for you and the other "hate" because you are merely proving this fact.
I will say that not everyone has forgotten but sadly many have. Please on a day like this let us come together and remember all that have been lost. Put the "hate" away. I pray for you and all that we never forget the lives lost, the lives saved and the lives that are continuing to keep our country safe. And personally I send prayers to my son Phillip...thank you babe for doing what you do every day to keep our freedoms, yes even yours Anonymous. May you stay safe Phillip and come home safe.

Anonymous said...

I really had never thought about how much we have forgotten. I also did not realize that no first responders or clergy were allowed at tomorrows memorial. I am not religious, but I do believe God has a hand in everything and it would be scary if God treated NY like NY is trying to treat him. Good post cmom. I hope people start remembering again.

Clovis, NM

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to NYC? You talk of shutting down the city like it is nothing. It would be a huge deal. If first responders were invited, they all would want to be there. This would leave the city completely vulnerable. Mayor Bloomberg is doing what is best for his city. The BEST city in the world. Outsiders should not comment. As for God. You act as if the mayor is being unfair. He is being fair all the way around. He is not speaking of God but they are not speaking of any other god either or the lack of a god. It is fair and right. What makes you think people have forgotten. No one has forgotten, we are just moving forward the best that we can.

Cal the Bronx, NY

Anonymous said...

Cal the Bronx let me say you are full of it. I am from NY and you make it sound as if the first responders are stupid that they would all fight to be at the memorial and leave the city unprotected. That is crazy. There should however have been an invitation extended and a showing of the first responders there. The city would never be left unprotected and if you are such a homeboy you should know that. Also, invite God or don't invite God, He will be there either way and He will be in every moment of silence and every quiet prayer in every Christian heart. God is one thing our mayor has no control over. This city is not the same as before and yes I do believe that some have forgotten but thanks to people like you cmom, maybe they will start remembering again. This New Yorker says thank you.


DaninDean said...

I have NOT Forgotten!!!!!!

Jeananne said...

I have not forgotten!

Ben said...

Beautiful blog. You really have a gift. I have NOT forgotten!

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI, those "I hate it's" were not from me. I rarely mark your blog. This obviously means that there are at least two others out there that are not blog fans. Imagine that. Keep talking about those hot buttons such as politics and religion and you are going to lose us all.

John Q. Public said...

I have not forgotten!

Droopy Brains said...

Well, L.... I see that you unfortunately still have your stalker. A sad obsession someone seemingly has with being contrary just to be contrary. So I shall call her Mary-Mary.

Dearest Mary-Mary,
Reading comprehension isn't one of your strong points I see, so I'll help you out- for free- cuz I'm compassionate like that. You see, Mary-Mary, Cmom here has something we call a blog. Otherwise known as a weblog; or a personal journal or events and OPINIONS. You, Mary-Mary, are free to take those opinions and do whatever you wish with them. For instance, you could print them up and roll around naked in them. could print em, shred-em, put on your taco and choke on them... Or you could maybe wipe my hamster 's tiny hiney with a miniature printed version. I SUPPOSE if you wanted to get all LIBTARDY and Obama-like you could print them up, call them your own and do your darndest to demand that people live by them--- BUT UNTIL CMOM DOES THAT--claiming that she needs to "rule us all" just exposes either- 1. Your inability to read.
2. That you're an actual libtard
C. You've no life with nothing better to do than stalk people's blogs and make $hit up.
Z. You *are* unpatriotic and you don't like that you fit the ugly bill.
7. Maybe...You don't fear God enough and well..

But Cmom didn't say that- I did :)
Put that in your anonymous libtard bongwater and choke on it.

Lisa Jacques Elam said...

Oh Ms. D do make me laugh. I just laughed so hard I choked. You certainly made my day!


Droopy Brains said...

One more thing- for the other dolt poster:

I'm a NYer so I'm apparently permitted an opinion? Mighty white of ya, pal.. Bloomberg is, and forever will be remembered for the shameless piece of crap that he is to EVERY NYer who knew of knows a first responder alive or dead from 9/11. How dare he leave out the very people that kept the remainder of our city standing. The very people that held it together. The very people he'd be calling if God forbid there's another attack. We wouldn't be left vulnerable with them there, you FOOL! We would be safer than ever... There would be plenty willing to stay behind. They're not selfish like you claim "all wanting" to go. But those who were there deserved to go! Many other cities were willing to send in reinforcement to allow them to go! How dare he. How dare you as a NYer!
As for Bloomy not allowing GOD.. I cannot find the words!!!.. They will defy him. Mark my words.

Angela Marie said...

Cmom, I have not forgotten!

Lisa Jacques Elam said...

Thank you Droopy should make all NYers proud. And you last statement brought a tear to my eye!

Anonymous said...

Droopy Brains? What the hell kinda name is that? Anyway no one is saying that the first responders aren't appreciated, but being from NY you have to admit that would be nuts to have them there tomorrow. It would be chaos. As for "bloomy" he beats the hell out of Rudy. This whole religion thing is nuts. Pray if you want to just don't force it on those who disagree. This is a time to remember the tragedy not throw a fit about who attends or whether we pray or not. Damn!

Cal the Bronx, NY

Anonymous said...

Well said Droopy Brains Love your comment(s)!


Anonymous said...

I read your blog occasionally and while you and I are miles away in most beliefs, I love your recipes, your motherhood stories and your dating stories, but I HATE this. Obviously I am not the only one. I hate this because you have brought your politics and your religious beliefs into something much bigger than both. You called out Bloomberg and the president in this when neither had anything to do with 9/11 and both are currently trying to do a job post 9/11. While I realize this is your blog and your thoughts and opinions, you have put them out there to be commented on and I must say this blog was very biased and very judgmental. You assume because the first responders were not invited due to city safety and because no one religious is speaking at the memorial that the whole country has gone to hell and no one remembers Sept. 11th. You are very wrong. Each American remembers in their own way. Let us also not forget that this country was left to our current president in a shambles. That cannot be fixed over night or even in one presidential term. A house of cards can be tumbled with one careless move but it takes much more time to rebuild it. I have forgotten none of what happened a decade ago nor have I forgotten our soldiers but I don't think we need to turn an entire city upside down or pray to a god that only a few believe in, in order to memorialize the day.


A proud, liberal, atheist American and no I have not forgotten!

Anonymous said...

I am shocked! Who the f... could hate this? I don't consider myself a conservative probably more liberal, but I agree with this blog. We have become complacent. People have let time cloud their memory of that day. We forget the fear and the outrage of watching our own country be attacked. We forget that without those first responders many more would have died. They should be represented tomorrow and instead of shutting God out, why is He not invited in? Why aren't all faiths recognized. After all, didn't people of all faiths die that day? I just think cmom made some very good points and I just can't understand anyone hating this blog.

Not a Hater

Blogreader said...

I have NOT forgotten.

DeeDee said...

Thanks cmom for the great blog. I have not forgotten!

J'nelle said...

Came back by to check out the comments. WOW! Your blog really touched a nerve with people. I guess that his the sign of being a good writer when you get peoples emotions going on both sides. By the way, I love your new blog background. Really fallish. Mostly I came back by to let you know that I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what people were saying when those planes hit the towers...I'm going to guess things like.."Oh my God", "God help us", "Please lord let my loved ones be safe", "God bless us"...etc, its real funny how people pray to god when in need and then say like 10 years later act like ( God )...(God who) all comes back to bite you in the ass sooner or later...I believe if we don't start standing together one day we will no longer be the United States of America...people really need to wake up..and the other day I called Anon a jackass then a stupid I just say fuck off.

Droopy Brains said...

Droopy brains ? I'll tell ya what kinda name it is-
It means more of my drooping brains were left on the operating room floor than old Bloomy has left collectively functioning in that stupid skull of his. That's what kind of name it is. I had cranial surgery, what's his excuse for being such an astounding moron? Eh?

Outside of immediate family members of the dead, I cannot imagine anyone more deserving of room at that memorial than first responders and clergy! There shouldnt be a single politician sitting their ugly, useless, wastes of oxygen anywhere in the borough that day if room is an issue. To Hell with mayor Bloomberg. He shouldn't even be there. He has NO IDEA what our city went through.I hope FDNY and NYPD get in their dress blues and march in singing amazing Grace.

Droopy Brains said...

Btw, cal-

Tell me why it would be such chaos to have the first responders there. I'd like a clear explanation

Lisa Jacques Elam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Jacques Elam said...

I have tried to post this twice perhaps third time is the charm. I have had numerous people contact me today upset over the comments on here. I think they are afraid that I am offended or perhaps they are offended for me. The fact is....I am not offended. This is a free country full of free thought and free ideas. I do not agree with those who have expressed disapproval for today's blog, but I can disagree and not be offended. Thank you all for your comments and many of you for your support. May God continue to bless America.

Anonymous said...

Droopy Brains, my apologies. No insult was intended. I keep trying to post this without any luck. Maybe this time.
I do not agree with you though about the cops and the fire dept. If you live in NY you know that they all walk around as if they are God's gift. They have been thanked over and over again since 9/11 for doing their job. Must we keep thanking them? Tomorrow is not about them. It is about the survivors and the families of those who died. It is not about a bunch of cops and fire fighters who want another pat on the back. This is about NY surviving not about one small group who helped out and did their job. The chaos would come from all the uniforms down there crowding out the people who actually should be there. You may not agree but that is just how I see it.

Again sorry for the remark.

Cal the Bronx, NY