Thursday, February 15, 2018

Questions and Answers

First of all....this blog is very important. I ask you to read and share to answer any and all questions!

So it has been twelve days since I have been told that we had to be out of our house by March 1st. That means there are fourteen days until the deadline. WoW! As I have stated before, my lawyer is confident that the current deadline will be dissolved and A new one put in place. One that will allow for time for David's surgery and him to come home to his home and recuperate.

It has come to me that in all that I am asking of others, that there might be some questions about all of this and the monies involved. Today, I hope to answer any questions that I think some of you might have.

We all know that I am asking for help raising a huge amount of money and when people are giving their hard earned money, there are naturally questions involved. Here I hope to answer some of those questions that I think might be on your mind.

In this day and age, where scams run amok, what is to keep people from thinking that I might not just be running a scam or worse, misusing funds that are donated to Save David's Home? Truthfully, some of this you just have to take on faith and on my good word. Since my situation is pretty much out there for the world to see, it would not be hard to check it out. As for the misuse of funds? I have another individual on the donation account with me, as well as there are many on the fundraising team who are aware that as little money as possible touches my hands. 

The Carson Bank account is where all donation funds end up and because there are two of us on the account, I can do nothing on it without the other person knowing. That and I can assure you with my years of learning how to live off below poverty wages, I can make money stretch.

Am I completely aware of what is entailed in home ownership and will I be able to afford all that it entails if I get to keep David's home? Yes. I am fully aware of taxes and I know how much they are yearly as well as insurance and upkeep. I already have renters insurance and I will simply step that up to home owners insurance. As for taxes, yes....I can handle them. And upkeep? I have been doing that all along living here these last 15 years so this will be nothing new to me. 

What happens to all of the money if people donate and we don't reach our goal and can't save the house? Well, our goal is to save the house and one way or another, I hope to do just that. However, if the worst happens and I am unable to do this, then the money is for David, so the money will go to us finding another place to live (deposit, pet deposit if applicable and first moNth and last months rent). It will go for making a place handicapable for David. HOWEVER, some of you have indicated that you might want your donations back if we are not able to save the house. In that event, I am keeping a tab of all who have donated (unless the donation is anonymous) and if you want your donation back, just contact me and I will see that you get it back. It is really as simple as that. 

What happens if a miracle happens and the house is magically deeded over to you without you having to pay for it? Then what happens to all the money donated? If that particular miracle were to happen, then again, for those wishing to have their money back, I would definitely do so. For the rest, if there was enough money, I would purchase a newer van, mine is currently ten years old and pushing 150,000 miles, and I would make it handicap accessible for David's wheelchair. If there was anything else left over, I would put it towards a pulley system to help him get in and out of his therapy pool easier, especially after his surgery and anything else left over would go to any other assistive equipment for David or for Davids needs down the road. 

Do you have a plan just in case you do lose the house? Yes. I have a plan to make a plan. Currently, I can't think anyway but that we will save David's home. Any other way of thinking would be negative and serve no purpose. I am sure though that within a month, we will know if we can pull this off or not. If not, then that gives me time to find a new place, make any changes I need to make, put anything into storage I need to store and sell what I can't keep or take with me. So yes, I have a plan to make a plan. But I don't think I will need it!

So what can I do to help make sure David keeps his home? First and foremost PRAY!!!! Even if you aren't a person who normally prays, your prayer could be just the one God is looking for. And prayers beget miracles and we surely need a miracle now.  Then you can also go to the Help David Stay at Home facebook page. There, all the information about donation pages and places, t-shirt sales and fundraising information is located. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Share all of this like crazy. Even if you can't financially help through donations, share often because you never know who might see it and be able to donate. And of course, if you can and are willing, please donate. Every cent helps us to get to our hugely lofty goal. 

Please understand that in putting all of this out there for the world to see, I have opened up my life, my finances and everything most of us keep private.... to a lot of scrutiny. I am a hugely private person about so many things in my life and having to lay my whole self open for all to see has been very humbling and very very embarrassing. I also know that I have left myself open to less than flattering speculation and gossip from friends and strangers alike. Trust me, if not for David, I would never have done this, but for David, I would do just about anything. So if there are questions I have not addressed and you feel you need answers, please feel free to comment below, message me, text me or flat out ask me on facebook. As I said, to save David's home, I will do whatever it takes because that is what fighting for David is all about.


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