Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Thank You

One thing growing up that my mother was a stickler for was manners. You addressed your elders as ma'am and sir, you said Excuse Me when passing someone in an aisle and in every instance of asking you said Please and when given, you never failed to say Thank You! It is a show of respect and appreciation and those lessons were drilled into my head from birth.

Recently in my world, there has been a great deal of asking which I always start with a huge PLEASE. I try to make the please as big as the ask and trust me, my current ask is beyond huge. I have also tried to follow up every give, whether it is the promise of a prayer, a share, volunteering to help with our fundraiser or a financial donation with an even bigger than huge THANK YOU!

I am sure this will not be my only blog of thanks in this whole ordeal, but I want everyone who even gives David and I a good thought for the day to know how much that means to us and yes....thank you! 

I have so many people to thank, even thus far. I am so appreciative of all the people who the minute they heard our story, started sharing it on social media. I am grateful for every donation that has been given and every social media share of the donation sites, the t-shirt page and the information that Davids page posts. There is also Shirts Plus, the t-shirt shop who put up a t-shirt page for David and who is making the t-shirts. Also Matt Orsman and Sara Stone who designed the t-shirts. I want to thank the friends, neighbors and family who have donated to us not to mention the complete strangers who simply saw a need and out of the kindness of their hearts gave to us. I want to also thank whoever thought of the idea of sending our situation to the Ellen Show and all the others who jumped aboard the train and also sent something in to her. We all knew it was a long shot but you all knew that a long shot might be our only chance. And all of you who have shown up at fundraiser meetings, offering your time, resources and effort to help create this fundraiser in a limited amount of time. To all who have sought out auction items and all who have offered auction items, we are beyond grateful. And finally, to the little coffee shop Jane's Landing here in town that lets us convene our meetings whenever and has even stayed open past closing to accommodate our group....we are so grateful.

I know there are so many more of you who have jumped in with ideas, advice and help in all forms. There are also many who have come in under the cloak of anonymity and given and to each and everyone of you....I hope you know that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope that I also tell each and everyone of you each time you do something....thank you. I know I have been pretty exhausted and sometimes things slip through the cracks, but I sincerely hope my manners and gratitude are not one of those things.

Also, some of you may know and others may not, that for many years, I have had another blog called: Life With the Incredible Mr. David. This blog has chronicled David's life through the years, illnesses, surgeries and triumphs. If you are interested in knowing more about David, this is the place to go. I bring this up because yesterday David had a pre-surgery appointment with his PT. The details of what we learned about his upcoming surgery and recovery are covered in my latest post Spinal Surgery and Stuff, so please feel free to snoop around his blog and read all you like. And if you do.....thank you for dropping by.


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