Wednesday, August 17, 2011!

As of late....I must really have changed because I have had several people tell me, I have known you forever, just to find out I don't know you at all. Of course that was paraphrased, but you get the gist. Apparently I am changing or metamorphosing into someone that people either don't recognize or maybe just didn't realize I have always been. I really don't know....maybe what is actually going on is that I am just now letting the world see different sides of me that up until now have been more on the down low.

One thing that I am still getting comments about is my tattoo. It appears that this one singular act of art has put several people over the edge where I am concerned. I think they are worried about what I am going to do next. One person told me....."It seems like you have just gone wild!" The funny thing is....I have always had a wild side. When I was a kid my mother did her best to keep it under wraps, but once I was legal....she might as well have been talking to a brick wall. For the most wildness was pretty tame by most peoples standards....although occasionally I would come out of my shell and surprise people (sometimes even myself). In really have to have known me well to fully understand the rebellion and wildness that I have shown through certain acts in my life. Now though....I can only be so wild and I only want to be so provocative. I do like surprising people from time to time, but not unless there is something in it for me. I mean you can only pierce your ears so many times before it just starts to look......well.....awful and I wasn't about to pierce anything else, but a tattoo is always something I thought I might like. As I have gotten older...the desire to change and to do something that made a statement kept gnawing at me. just became such an overwhelming desire that I decided I had to do it. Thus was born Mr. Piglet on the side of my foot.

Now I know that many will laugh and even scoff at the fact that my first tattoo was a pig. However, anyone who knows me well.....knows that a pig was the perfect choice for me as a first tattoo. It made a statement, had meaning for me and was something close to my heart. It is actually all the things a first tattoo should be....and more. And of course....I am not through. There will be others and I am sure with the reaction from the first one, the next one I get will probably end up putting someone in the ICU over the sheer shock of me getting not one....but two tattoo's. I just have to laugh. As mid life rebellions go.....mine are pretty boring and yet some find me just one step above a Jezebel. Oh well!

The whole thinking about dating thing has also got some people riled. I guess I was suppose to grow old and never think about romance or anything else along that line again. I was in fact told the other day by someone I know quite well, that I just needed to not even be thinking about that kind of foolishness (meaning dating) as I was way to old to do that. I was dumbstruck and found myself somewhere between wanting to laugh out loud.......and wanting to punch the person in the face. I did the former and was greeted with a stone like stare....with this person not seeing anything wrong in what they had said. I should have gone with the punch in the face. Others have had similar if not such volatile reactions to my thinking about dating. It is almost as if I had told them I was going to set my hair on fire and run naked through the streets. Apparently me dating someone is not deemed a good change in some circles. I guess there are those that would prefer to see me grow old with a bunch of cats rather than with a man.  And at this point...they have little to worry about because aside from thinking about dating....that is pretty much as far as it has gone. Again though.....I guess another change that people just didn't see coming.

Other things that seem to give people pause about my life....I grew my hair long and have colored it every color under the sun.....unbelievable! I not only paint my fingers and toes.....but I put designs on them too.....shocking! I painted my room bright pink....scandalous! I wear huge earrings.....outrageous! And are you ready for this.....I bought a push up bra and wear it on a regular basis! I am sure someone somewhere just fainted. So I guess this is why people think I have changed. The reality is that I am still me and the stuff that is deep inside me will never change. My kids, my family and my friends.....they will always hold my heart, but just gotta shake things up a bit. And yes....for those of you day I will likely be one of those ladies in the purple dress with the red hat. You will however be able to tell me apart from the rest, because I will be the one wearing a push up bra, huge earrings and sporting a tattoo of a little pink pig.

By now you are probably thinking you know a little too much information about me. That's okay though, cause today is all about me....and the story of my life. Hope your day is a good one and I wish each and everyone of you.....a perfectly wonderful Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

I just have to ask, why a pig? You have said something about pigs before but never gave details (I don't think). So why the pig and by the way, it is so cute. Great blog and way to shake things up! lol

Not THAT Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Why at your age would you even think a tattoo was appropriate? What kind of a message are you sending your kids? I find marking up your body especially when you are suppose to be a mature adult to be ridiculous. Besides, what man wants a marked up woman? If you had to have a pig on your body, why not just draw it? It would make about as much sense.

Tattoos Are Hot said...

I think tats are hot! It is not marking up your body. It is art. Sounds like someone needs to move into the new millenium and get thee judgmental ass to a tattoo parlor. It might make you a whole new person. Which is something we might all appreciate.

Anonymous said...

Life is so short in the whole big scheme of things, as humans most of us never make to 100 more like 80, so we need to do what makes us happy. That does not include bad things like stealing, hating, killing... which of course are not any part of are a normal person with normal feelings, do what makes you happy, things like tattoos, piercings, wanting to date, growing your hair long and coloring it, and nail painting are lifes little enjoyments for the individual doing it...I would not worry about what anyone else thinks about such things. My life is so busy I do not have time to care if someone gets a tattoo, or any of the other mentioned items. I really hope you do find a man. I think that is another one of lifes little enjoyments, to be able to share your life with someone if you so chose.

Marni said...

Wow Anonomyous let's talk about stereo typing...."what man would want a MARKED woman"? This remark has me rolling on the floor!!! Do you live in the dark ages. First you say a woman is to take care of her husband while he goes out to support his family and now this. I'm just amazed or maybe what's sad is I am not. You my deR need to get out there in the real world and see what changes have been made in the last 50 years. Really! Get over yourself!
Lisa I am a proud member of the tattoo world and might I add....MY HUSBAND LOVES IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Life is not all about pleasure. It is about lessons and setting examples so that the next generation has something and hopefully someone to look up to. We are leaving nothing for future generations except for bad examples of doing what you want, when you want with no consequences. Chasing men, getting tattooed and whining how life is not fair is not an example that I care to set. Unfortunately though, it seems that I am a body of one.

Anonymous said...

Momma always said "it takes all kinds"....

Marni said...

Wow anonamyous I believe that now YOU are offending us and insulting US. You're saying just because we have tattoos we are setting bad examples for our children. Well by that I am more the slightly insulted. I will tell you that I sat with both my kids when they "marked" their bodies. My son has a sleeve and four other tattoos and my daughter has three. I myself have one and am looking forward to more. I am a God fearing woman with a good family. My kids have never been and still are not heathens. My daughter has a good marriage and two amazing children (oh her Hubby has tats too) and my son....well my son is out there....carrying a gun....and defending the very ground you stand on and defending your right to speak your mind.
So,,,,for you to even say we are not setting examples for our children is stereo typing us and I am highly offended as I believe many others that read your mindless ranting will be.

Norm said...

Hi Lisa: First, to me, you're doing fine, thank you very much. I cringed at the tattoo because of the whole Leviticus 19:28 thingy. But then Leviticus suggests we burn down the house if we get a mildew problem (I guess a little bleach on it was too radical back then). Then again, most everyone in my family has tattoos and I love and accept them just as they are. And you're pig is cute... so you've got that going on.... Piercings... I don't even want to know where my daughters are pierced. Love them just the same. Love life... while I'm still a bit jaded (for the last decade) I am still a cheerleader for when folks find and or share love. Push up bra, eh? Just don't slap any of us gentlemen for window shopping. Now... did you say or do anything provocative? If you did, I missed it.

J'nelle said...

Damn girl! A push up bra? Wow, I would not have expected that about you. lol If your tattoo makes you happy, then I say go for it. Anonymous and all those others like her can go jump in a lake. If it makes you happy, do it. I would say you deserve it!

Melissa said...

Love it, you wild thing!!!